Ulrike Gehring


Ulrike Gehring. German film journalist and director.

Directing more than 200 films for television, she has developed a personal style and handwriting that has had a lasting stylistic influence on storytelling, particularly on economical topics. Her personal strength is: humans are interested in humans. For her pulsating features and documentaries she has won national and international awards. To a wider audience she became known as an Anchor woman on daily primetime programs for public tv and on breakfast television for a private channel.


As a young print editor she started her broadcast career in assembling a regional radio studio for Hessischer Rundfunk and joint television in Kassel, when the German wall came down. She reported news and stories from the new east, before she worked at the Frankfurt headquarters as a film author editor journalist and program innovator.

Two scientists have been a major influence to Ulrike Gehring. The German expert in interview techniques Prof. Jürgen Friedrichs and Rhethorik-Prof. Hellmut Geissner have inspired her to a quest on the perception of the audience, human instincts and cognition of digital media.

As anchor woman in breakfast television she interviewed up to six partners per daily live show. This experience induced her, apart from her work as a tutor for journalists, to coach executives and decision makers. In her career Ulrike Gehring has consulted a number of personalities from entrepreneurship, politics and the church for media strategy and interviews.

1999 Ulrike Gehring founded screen art° in Frankfurt am Main. The production company is specialized on documentaries drawn from life and factual series. Frankfurt is, where the real worlds stories play. This conviction shows, how dear she holds economical topics. Whether at home or abroad, since decades she has gained insights in the reality of companies, more than the most other filmmakers. Her films tell economic crimes, success stories, scandals. She portraits big shots of the industry and puts emotional reality of staff and lone fighters in the picture. Several national and international awards, such as Silver in Cannes or quiet recently Gold in Deauville at the green awards, certify her unique emotional perspective.




Distinguished projects


Battle Griffin – NATO maneuvre at the polar circle. Documentary Pro7/K1

Story im Ersten: Bad Blood – in this investigative documentary Ulrike Gehring has discovered the fatal hazards of blood transfusions, which were published for the first time worldwide. Nationally and internationally awarded by filmfestivals and medical associations

Judgement: Cardiac Arrest. The first Documentary about erroneous death certificates with examples of undiscovered murders. Pro7

The most successfull Real time Narration Project in Germany: 30 places, nine hours and one special feeling. Edited detailled to the minute, broadcasted in one years timeshift: Emotional Christmas Eve. SWR/SR

Heading the black&white years: A nine part series about the time, that was skipped in Germans History. Reenacted after timewitnesses interviews, the project sets light on awareness and ethics in the years between second world war and the German economic miracle. SWR

Big Players in Germany. Authentic storytelling. 26 cinematic portraits of outstanding personalities and their impulsions. Such as headliner entrepreneur Hans-Peter Stihl (Chain saws), Roland Mack (Germanys Walt Disney) or Axel Theobald Simon, Senior of Bitburger Brewery or politicians like Heiner Geißler, Herta Däubler-Gmelin, Erhard Eppler and artists such as character actor Sebastian Koch, music celebrity Thomas Anders and famous singer Mary Roos.

Millionaire in Wellingtons. The special thinking of the Tegut-Founder. HR

One couple on two legs: Double feature about a handicaped Doctor, whose fiancé sadly passed away due to an airplane crash during the film shoot period. WDR/SWR




For many years screen art°productions gmbh located in Frankfurt and Mainz  has realized more than 50 percent of all broadcasted minutes in the field of information and documentaries, produced in the county of Hesse. Ulrike Gehring is also running a company for content consulting. In a long time cooperation with Dr. Michael Klein, Head of the renowned INM Institute for New Media, she operates an enterprise for digital platforms.

Honourary Positions

  • Chairwoman of the Commission for Media Politics Hesse/Frankfurt Chamber of Commerce and Industry, since 2004


  • Vice President Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Frankfurt   2004-2009


  • Commercial Judge, County Court Frankfurt on the Main, since 2007


  • Founding Commissioner, PP, Rotary Club Frankfurt-Main-Skyline  2014

    Library Initiative for underaged refugees


  • Head of Communication, Rotary District 1820  2013 ff


  • Founding Member, PP, Rotary Club Frankfurt International   2004


Impressum: screen art° productions gmbh       Falkensteinerstraße 77         60322 Frankfurt am Main             Contentbeauftragter Stephan Schütz

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